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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone in the CT area want to play in a tourney...

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My team is short guys and all of my other worth while buddys are playing in another tournament this weekend so I'm looking to see if theres anyone that wants to play. The tournament is the Northern Connecticut Wings Showcase, there is 4 teams in it, the competition will be good, its Junior age level and its going to consist of mainly Junior and Prep players. Its in West Hartford Connecticut at Veterans Memorial Skating Center and its $75 for 4 games guantreed, 2 25 minute halfs with Ice cut between halfs. If you want anymore info the team im on website is www.eastcoastrangers.com or you can PM me and let me know, if you can't make all the games thats fine the coach will cut you a deal, thanks a lot.

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Anyone else notice Peter signed up not long after rostingmaxs last post when he found out he wouldnt be able to use the sell forum, and has been post like crazy with useless posts just like rostingmax was.

also noticed this

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Do you think Crosby's gonna stay with the Penguins much longer?

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Crosby How Long With Penguins?

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