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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray painting a OPS

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Hey guys, I was wondering if I spray paint the shaft of one of my composites, will the paint rub off onto the palms of my gloves?

*Normal grip - not sticky or anything like that*

Just cursious,

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I believe it will as the paint will start to come off as your stick and gloves get wet. Some will correct me if I'm wrong but sticks are usually baked after they are painted.. I think.. which makes to paint "run resistant"

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I believe it will as the paint will start to come off as your stick and gloves get wet. Some will correct me if I'm wrong but sticks are usually baked after they are painted.. I think.. which makes to paint "run resistant"

yeah i thing they bake it

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Not sure what type of paint I'm going to use.

I think a few light coats of black until its all black and uniform then a clear coat.

Also, I thought you're not supposed to heat OPS.

How do they bake them then?

If they heat them, can I take a hot blowdryer to it?

I kinda feel like spraying the stick all black (except the blade because it's already black)

Maybe putting some masking tape over the writing and then spraying it.

It'll look cool B)

No other reason to do it.

It's not like it's gonna effect my play.

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