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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so i got called for a dive last game.

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Im not trying to start a fight here, but why are you guys fighting over this???? For crying out loud who cares!! Its a two minute penalty! It sounds like you dove, so what, now you wont do it next time. Quite bickering and grow up!!

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Im not trying to start a fight here, but why are you guys fighting over this???? For crying out loud who cares!! Its a two minute penalty! It sounds like you dove, so what, now you wont do it next time. Quite bickering and grow up!!

Dear God I hope your other 27 posts were as constuctive as this one.

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In most cases there is something we could have done differently to make the outcome better. I suggest that you examine your own faults. Perhaps you're one of these players that gets emotional about everything they do on the ice whether it's a simple deke, a crushing cjeck, or a breakaway. Learn to play hard without the extra flair: basically toughen up, and stop embellishing. :rolleyes:

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Dear God I hope your other 27 posts were as constuctive as this one.

Haha, well my first few were a little off, but I think I have cleaned it up a little bit since then.....I mean Im trying to be a bit more "to the point"

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