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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Scottish Maple Leaf

Help needed

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Can anyone help here?

I have a little boy who is 2 1/2 years old. He has been skating since he could walk. Just now he has a size 5 foot. He currently wears a little pair of white moulded Lange skates that secure with a buckle. They are normal bladed skates with an insole. Whilst in Canada last year I got him a pair of CCM skates in the smallest size available (I think they are an 8/9). However he is now getting too big for his Lange skates but the CCM ones are still too big for him.

I've searched about but as usual nothing available in the UK. The only thing I can see on line is the Bauer Champ skates but I've never seen them on sale.

Can anyone suggest anything or does an LHS workers/owners have anything that I could buy from you.

As usual, any help appreciated.

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Check out ebay.

I got size 7 skates for my 2 year old.

He wears them around in the basement to get used to the extra height.

I'm trying to get him to get used to not walking heal to toe in them.

They are still a little big but I don't think he's ready for lessons yet anyway.

My 2n son started skating at 2 1/2 and started with skates that were too big cause that was all we had. They however had very stiff ankles and he adapted well.

Getting them to fit makes a big difference. Stiff ankles makes a huge difference when they start.

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