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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Using Composite Outside?

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Hey i was just wondering whether the low LOW temperatures of play shinny hockey outside, effects composite sticks? does it cause them to break easier? like i have seen guys play with the older synergys outside, but im not sure how safe it is, say using a Stealth or a 10.0


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hey thanks. i wasnt able to locate Outdoor hockey when i searched, and also does the 2006 Stealths have THerma tec, technology? also does heating the stick to remove end plugs effect the quality of the stick?

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hey thanks. i wasnt able to locate Outdoor hockey when i searched, and also does the 2006 Stealths have THerma tec, technology? also does heating the stick to remove end plugs  effect the quality of the stick?

I thought they had therma tec but to clarify you could look at the 2006 easton catalog and I'm sure they have something in there. Also heating the stick to remove end plugs wont effect the quality of the stick. The only way you could effect the quality was if you were to overheat the composite, try to use a heat gun in stead of an open flame.

Edit: Just read the section of the catalog and i dont see anywhere that it uses therma tec so im most likely wrong.

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