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ATI or Nvidia?

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I was lookin to get a new video card to accompany my new computer (yah, finally getting rid of that nasty 433mhz celeron). Most of my friends hvae repeatly stated that nvidia is better than ati, but the reasons they give me are kinda vague...

Rofl, basically I'm just asking for your opinion, and hopefully some information backing up that opinion...thanks

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ya with nvidia.. their drivers are better and they come up with faster driver updates then ATI as well. ATI is always behind nvidia in terms of hardware..

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I was lookin to get a new video card to accompany my new computer (yah, finally getting rid of that nasty 433mhz celeron). Most of my friends hvae repeatly stated that nvidia is better than ati, but the reasons they give me are kinda vague...

Rofl, basically I'm just asking for your opinion, and hopefully some information backing up that opinion...thanks

Are you looking for a gaming gpu or workstation/professional gpu?

For gaming... My vote is for Nvidia. The top of the line Geforce 7950 offers the best quality compared to ATI's top of the line x1800. "Geforce 7950 features a knockout pair of GeForce processors on one irresistibly powerful board. Resetting the bar for single board graphics performance with amazing 3D horsepower and speed, the GeForce 7950 GX2 enables a lightning-fast, hyper-realistic gaming experience with ultra-smooth frame rates. This dual-GPU board features an astounding 1 GB of fast GDDR3 memory and support for resolutions up to 2560 X 1600. It’s a beautiful thing. " You can also go for SLI here... means 4 GPU in one motherboard.

For professional use... My vote still goes for Nvida Quadro series...

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My experience with Video Cards is that both company are usually pretty even. When Nvidia gets a new product out, it usually jumps ahead of ATI. When ATI gets it's new product out, then ATI jumps ahead. Both companies make great products. When buying a top of the line card my choice would go towards the cheaper of the two as they are almost equally good on any given day.

If you want good reviews, go to www.hardwareanalysis.com and search for the product you want to buy. They lenghty comprehensive reviews of pretty much any computer product out there. You always get the latest products analyzed and rated by their expert reviewers and they usually compare a similar product too or at least comment on it so you would more than likely know if they recommend a similar product of another brand instead of the one they are reviewing.

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