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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Painting a Carbon Fibre Shaft: Bad Idea?

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For a number of years now, I've repainted my trusty old aluminum shaft for the start of each season using the cheapest, nastiest spray paint I can find. I now find myself eyeing off my back up stick, an inexpensive easton carbon fibre shaft. Does anyone know if carbon fibre gets weakened or otherwise messed up by oil-based paints?

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lots of people spray the bottom portion of OPS and blades black for the look or to hide the puck from goalies. You also see pros using spray painted sticks from time to time (using a stick not made by their endorser).

I'm not sating that it won't do any damage, just saying it's been done before without totally destroying sticks.

Out of curiosity, do you do anything special to keep the paint from rubbing off onto your gloves? I had an Aluminum Easton Cyclone a long time ago that I had chipped/scratched off all of the original paint. When I spraypainted it black, all the paint rubbed off soon after. I actually preferred the natural aluminum look after taking all of the black off again.

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Don't worry, paint won't do anything to Carbon Fiber. They only way your'd destory it, is if you used a heat based curing process and tried to bake on the paint.

I wouldn't worry about it

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Hey, thanks for the replies. It's good to know, and I've been painting my sticks in my own schemes long enough now that it bothers me to have one that's just stock.

DamnLocust, I just a 120 grit paper or finer to get anything loose off and rough up the surface, then use an enamel interior/exterior spray paint. I've never had any problem with the paint staining my gloves with the enamel finish. If I'm feeling really motivated I'll use paint thinner to get all the old paint off. I usually just go with a base coat of red, then put a bunch of maple leaf stickers all over it. I spray it over with white or black, and peel off the stickers to get the red leafs exposed. Not exactly flashy, but it's my thing. Besides, when you've got hands of stone, you should at least have a nice looking stick...

Cheers, and thanks again.

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