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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Vibe Chassis (From Wicked Lights)

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I have a friend who saved a new pair of Wicked Lights for 3 years. He finally grew into them, and he decided to ditch the Vibe Chassis for an E-Frame.

Anybody, maybe a Vibe fan, know how much I could get rid of them for? He wants at least 40, which I think is a bit over.

They are size M, from a pair size 10 Wicked Lights, by the way.

Shute, I remember you talking about how much you loved the vibe, so I assume you know a lot about this.

Thanks in advance guys.

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are you trying to get me to buy that chassis... :P you'll have to find the right person in order to sell it but $40 sounds about right. it's like selling stuff at a garage sale, one mans junk is another mans treasure. you just have to find the right person.

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ebay will be hard to get that kinda of money.. you need someone on here who knows their stuff and KNOWS they are getting one of the best chassis ever made... :P

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LChockey, I am not completely sure. However, I remember at one point in time, size 7-11 Mission skates had a similarly sized chassis.

If you want to see if they would fit, just find someone with a size 9 or 10 Mission skate and hold it up to yours. See if the mounting plates line up.

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Mission marks the size (usually S,M or L in a little circle) on their chassis. Look for the markings. If they're Medium like these are, they should work.

even if they don't fit, it's not a bad idea to pick them up for parts as it's hard to find them nowadays.

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