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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 350

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Right now I have a synergy 350 that is quite bulky and suits me with the gloves I have now. What stick would be as bulky as the 350. I have a Pulse and L-2 also but they dont feel big enough.

P.S. I know the 350 is a crappy stick.

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if I'm not mistaken, the 350 has the same shaft/blade dimentions as other synergies. I find my Bauer Vapor XXX to be a bit thicker than other sticks.

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if I'm not mistaken, the 350 has the same shaft/blade dimentions as other synergies. I find my Bauer Vapor XXX to be a bit thicker than other sticks.

Yeh, the xxx lite is quite bulky

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Ok im going to a store that has them this weekend. How's durability and what curve is closest to the easton Sakic.

the durability on mine has been pretty good, better than expected, altho the paint chips very easily and the grip peels but meh and i think the Naslund p92 is a sakic

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How does the grip feel. As i said i got the Pulse grip and the grip isn't near as good as the eastons.

I havent felt the eastons, the grip on it is nice, not too tacky.

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Any shafts like that. Personally I like my old Z-bubble over the L-2 set, Synergy 350 and the Pulse Grip. Thing is I dont want to get another and have it feel thin. Or should I stop complaining and just put up with it.

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Never used the 350. Had an UL awhile ago. It performed really well. When I got it, I had a Dangler biomorphic (thinner, rounded shaft) so it felt a little bit bulky, but Still good in my hands. I also had a grip lite, and loved it. They were both really consistent and felt "solid"

now that I think of it, the Octane is pretty bulky too. ha!

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I think i'll pass on the Octane. What kind of sticks have you used besides the dangler in comparison. Really I guess I love Mission but not their sticks (no offense to Justin).

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I'd pass on the octane too. I'd snap it in less than a week. If it didn't happen in a game, I'd probably pop it over the crossbar.

easton cyclone aluminum and composite (x2)(thin, rounded shape) , synergy shaft (x4) TPS Tricore (bulkier than the synergy), vapor XX, vapor XXX (bulky), TPS Adrenaline (really nice "double concave" shape), Warrior Dolomite, Mission L-2, tour beemer (cut for tapered, really thin)

feel free to ask me about any of these.

That's all I can remember right now. Your best bet would probably be to go to LHS to get a feel not only for the shaft shape but for the balance. It's obviously harder to get a feel for balance with a shaft.

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I personally haven't used the synergy 350 either but I've found that the RBK 5K and 7K feel extemely bulky. Both of them would be lighter than your 350 though. Hope it helps.

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How does the grip feel. As i said i got the Pulse grip and the grip isn't near as good as the eastons.

My rink has some and I think they might have the tackiest grip I've ever felt.

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I don't mind how light a stick is. I don't even care if it is a tad heavier than the 350. Damnlocust what would you recommend of your bulkier sticks. If not one of those than possibly the UL? The Easton sticks I trust. I've only used them and missions but I'll take your advice into consideration very much so.

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Ultra Lites are awesome and you can find them for cheap. I like how they pair well w/ almost any blade. I didn't find mine to be really bulky (I had the '04 green one).

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Not bulky. Well i'll find out sometime this week when I go to stick time. Just trying to plan what to think about looking at. If I don't find anything good i'll stop complaining and use the Pulse and 350.

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It may feel bulky to you, I have pretty big hands and I thought that RBK's bulkier or at least boxier. Sometimes I kind of mix the two up w/ each other.

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Well my gloves is mostly the dilema. I had 13" M-1pros and just got a 14" set. So that's why I need a bulkier stick cause my hands have more stick it can grab on to. I'll see what I can look at though.

P.S. Any of you guys in Pittsburgh. The only places I know of are Peranis, Kosports, LHS, and Play it again sports. None have a lot to compare. I just moved here from So-Cal so selection sux here in my eyes.

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I really like the way the adrenaline feels in my hands. TPS has other sticks that have the double concave dimensions, and the new CNT stealths also have this. I actually prefer a smaller dimension shaft,for roller hockey since I had my danglers for so long, and I also had 3 cyclones. I used the cyclone on ice a few times and didn't like it as much.

I still say the closest shape to the 350 would be a Synergy ST or SL or a Synergy II.

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I liked the adrenaline shaft shape a lot but I hated the feel of the blade. Its really weird because I heard all these rave reviews about the feel and thays why I bought it. It was also too flexy. I guess in the future I'll stick to TPS shafts. I to like a smaller shaft dimension, thats why I love my xx stick 'um.

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