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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission prostock shafts

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One of my 3 has warranty info on the back. I just thought it was interesting because it says NHL PRO on it too.

NJ35: How long did yours last?

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Thats the thing, I only called because my three all have warranty info on them.

I bought three. I have been using two rotating them in with my 2006 CNT ST, the two I have been using are going strong but my buddy who is 6'4" 230 was using my third and snapped it after a monthish last night.

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so is there any new info on the Mission Ether Shafts? So far from the 14 pages I've gotten mixed ideas. Blades not fitting, too long, too whippy and other complaints. For the money it looks like a good deal but was wondering if they seem to be as lame as advertised?

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so is there any new info on the Mission Ether Shafts? So far from the 14 pages I've gotten mixed ideas. Blades not fitting, too long, too whippy and other complaints. For the money it looks like a good deal but was wondering if they seem to be as lame as advertised?

im very happy with mine. have had no problems with blades or whippiness. my shafts were way long, but thats what saws are for. that may be why ive had no problems with whippiness. i got 90s and cut about 4 or so inches off. definitely worth the money.

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