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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor Gravity Mouthguard

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I already searched, so don't flame me for not searching, and this isn't a thread about the pros/cons of wearing or not wearing a mouthguard. I'm also not looking for recommendations on what type of mouthguard to use. I've read the threads, the consensus is that a dentist custom fitted is the best.

I am looking specifically for info from people who use/have used the Shock Doctor Gravity mouthguard. In the 2 other threads I saw only Superman847 respond that he/she uses it and it's good.

Does anyone else have experience with this mouthguard? What do you like/dislike about it? How does it compare to others you've used? If you are no longer using it, but replaced it with another, why?

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