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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Were To Buy one90s

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My buddy was wondering were all of you one90 owners bought your skates from?

He knows about hockeymonkey and all those big places but is their any place that is having a sale or selling them cheaper?

Also he is a size 10 if any of you MSH are selling them.

He would register an account on here but hes in the process of moving so he does not have a computer

Thank You (from him)

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i doubt any shop would be dumb enough to put these skates on sale since everyone wants them,if anything the stores that do have them could raise the price on them especially if there in the size 6,8,9 range since those size are the most popular. And for anybody saying thats unethical for stores to raise the price on the skate its simple business practice that you learn about in high school called supply and demand, if a store has a size 8 and nobody else has a size 8 and the person looking for the size 8 would or could pay quite alot for it especially if they wanted it badly and the person would be in a bind. its just like anything just look at the recent gas prices.

In closing any shop selling these for cheap would be missing out on making quite alot of coin due to the lack of supply of these skates

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