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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Week 3 Predictions

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Carolina at Tampa Bay: Carolina

Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago

Cincinnati at Pittsburgh: Cincinnati

Green Bay at Detroit: Detroit

Jacksonville at Indianapolis: Indy

NY Jets at Buffalo: NYJ

Tennessee at Miami: Miami

Washington at Houstin: Washington

Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore

NY Giants at Seattle: Seattle

Philadelphia at San Francisco: Philadelphia

St. Louis at Arizona: Arizona

Denver at New England: New England

Atlanta at New Orleans: Atlanta

Bunch of closer games this week. Possible upset I think with SanFran maybe over Philly since Philly has a load of injuries

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Carolina at Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay

Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago

Cincinnati at Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh

Green Bay at Detroit: Green Bay

Jacksonville at Indianapolis: Indianapolis

NY Jets at Buffalo: Jets

Tennessee at Miami: Miami

Washington at Houston: Washington

Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore

NY Giants at Seattle: Seattle

Philadelphia at San Francisco: Philadelphia

St. Louis at Arizona: Arizona

Denver at New England: New England

Atlanta at New Orleans: Atlanta

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Carolina at Tampa Bay: Carolina

Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago

Cincinnati at Pittsburgh: Cincinnati

Green Bay at Detroit: Green Bay

Jacksonville at Indianapolis:Jacksonville

NY Jets at Buffalo: Jets

Tennessee at Miami: Miami

Washington at Houston: Washington

Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore

NY Giants at Seattle: NY Giants

Philadelphia at San Francisco: Philadelphia

St. Louis at Arizona: Arizona

Denver at New England: New England

Atlanta at New Orleans: Atlanta

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Carolina at Tampa Bay: T Bay breaks out of the slump

Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago's D is too good

Cincinnati at Pittsburgh: Cincinnati rolls

Green Bay at Detroit: Green Bay

Jacksonville at Indianapolis: Indy

NY Jets at Buffalo: "Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills..." (yeah, I'm a fan)

Tennessee at Miami: Tennessee (Because I'm a Bills fan, and so far Cullpper has not impressed)

Washington at Houston: Washington

Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore

NY Giants at Seattle: Seattle

Philadelphia at San Francisco: Philadelphia

St. Louis at Arizona: Arizona

Denver at New England: New England

Atlanta at New Orleans: Atlanta (who will ruch for more...Vick, or Bush)

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Carolina at Tampa Bay: Carolina

Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago

Cincinnati at Pittsburgh: Cincinnati

Green Bay at Detroit: Green Bay

Jacksonville at Indianapolis: Indy

NY Jets at Buffalo: NYJ

Tennessee at Miami: Miami

Washington at Houstin: Washington

Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore

NY Giants at Seattle: Seattle

Philadelphia at San Francisco: Philadelphia

St. Louis at Arizona: St. Louis

Denver at New England: Denver

Atlanta at New Orleans: Saints

This week: 10-4

Season: 35-11

Great job by the Saints, I was happy to be wrong about that one.

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