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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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toronto maple leafs equipment

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ok, it doesn't look like the leafs will have a year end sale on their equipment. instead they are just going to put some at a time in their store.

For the skates, the prices go by player tier and I think the rest by equipment type.

all prices in CANADIAN dollars.

Sundin 1052's - $500 CDN

Mogo Vapor 20 - $400

Reichel - CCM Externo - $230

Domi - 1052 - $400

Roberts Graf 705 - $400

Tucker - Graf 705 - $300

Perrot - Pro Tacks - $230

Fitzgerald Pro Tacks - $230

McCabe - Easton ?

Jofa elbow pads - $40

pants (easton, tackla 5000) - $125

gloves - various - $ I can't remember - i think $60 or $70

shin pads - Jofa - $50

helmets - $75 with visor (Reichel)

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Any idea when this is going to happen? Any time frame for this? Thanks for the info. Anything else you can provide to when they might do this would be helpful! Thanks.

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Pete's Sports in London has a whole bunch of skates, pants, elbow pads, gloves and helmets from the Leafs that just arrived. Some things are in great shape - Tucker's Grafs with his name embroidered on the inside of the achilles - and a bunch of others...

contact info available at www.petessports.com

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Hip or fast, do either of you know what size Grafs Darcy wears?

i put my foot in the boot, i would say a size 7. - very small feet.

i these are called "great whites" ? i don't see what is the difference between these and the regulars other than the white trim.

Gary Roberts wears something like a size 8, maybe 8.25 boot.

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