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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DVR harddrive question.

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Hello, I was running low on space on one of my computers and had an idea. Why not take out the Hard Drive from my old DVR and stick it into my computer. It seemed ingenious. Well, so far I have taken it out and put it into my copmuter as the second hard drive. But my computer won't recognise it. Do you guys have any ideas as to what I can do? Any ways to format it or something like that so that the computer will recognise I just put 160 gb's into it.

Any links that you have would be great to, I've been doing some searching on google but have come up empty handed.

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There should be a jumper on the drive that designates it as a master or slave drive. As the secondary drive in your computer you will need to move it to the slave position.

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