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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 pain

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I have a pair of one90's on my left foot on the inside, on my ankle bone I have been gettin a bit of pain ...has any one else had this problem and how did you fix it ?

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Do your feet pronate?

**EDIT - let me give you a bit more info in case you don't know what that is.

Check your running shoes - is the wear pattern even throughout or ...

is it worn a bit more on the inside edge of the shoe or ...

is it worn more along the outside edge of the shoe

Also, how long have you worn them and did you have them heat molded?

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yes the running shoes are worn to the inside and i did have them heat molded i am thinking about doing it again i have skated on them 8 times now

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If your running shoes are wearing on the inside it means your feet pronate.

Here's a link:

Pro-nated feet

I would try something like Superfeet. This will give your arches the extra support they need and might also adjust your foot so your ankle is in a better position. My daughter wears superfeet, and without them she has fit problems in every skate.

Most LHS sell superfeet; take the skates to a good fitter who understands feet and see what they say.

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