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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot right on ankle bone

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I took a pretty hard shot that hit me right smack on the ankle bone, on the outside on my right foot. I had it x-rayed the following day since I could barely walk on it, and it came back negative. The doc called it a foot contusion.

It's been almost two weeks since it happened and my ankle is still swollen a bit with some bruising and still hurts when moving it in certain ways. However, it does seem to be getting better, but very slowly.

Anyone else that has had a similar injury? Can you share your recovery time?


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Thanks for the replies! I'm pretty sure I'm just dealing with a bad bruise since I can still skate and walk without too much pain. Although, after skating on it a while, it does start to throb a bit. I still have some swelling which is causing a little bit of inflexibility with certain movements.

I've tried to seek info on the web regarding ankle bone bruises and there isn't a whole lot of info. The only thing that seems to be constant is they aren't a quick healing injury.

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that happened to me today at pick up. Hurt like hell but I can walk on it so I don't think its near as severe as yours .

Got caught right underneath my shinguard.. kinda caught me by surprised and knocked my right down.

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