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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Redstar Alloys, wheels are rubbing?

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Just wondering if anybody else has had any problems with frames (Alum or alloy)possibly being torqued when mounted on a stiff outsoled boot. I just recently mounted a pair of redstar alloys on a pair of bauer 7000's and the right skate is having some issues with the #2 wheel rubbing. Originaly wheels 1-3 where rubbing to the point they almost didn't move. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Just wondering if anybody else has had any problems with frames (Alum or alloy)possibly being torqued when mounted on a stiff outsoled boot. I just recently mounted a pair of redstar alloys on a pair of bauer 7000's and the right skate is having some issues with the #2 wheel rubbing. Originaly wheels 1-3 where rubbing to the point they almost didn't move. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

You hear a lot of stuff about wheels rubbing on new frames. The wheels rubbed on our model just prior to the present one, and we didn't go to market with it.

Got a suggestion. Get a Sprung A6 frame. The wheels won't rub and you'll get better performance at the same time.

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