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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Knee Surgery

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Hell. As I mentioned before, I have problem with my knee. I have been almost a month so I went to see doctor. I might need a surgery because he suspected that a bone undernieth of knee cap has been slightly crash. Has any one has these kind of surgery and knows how long will it recover? I'll try to avoid surgery if it is really bad. :wacko:

EDT: No need for it.

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Did the doctor tell you what kind of surgery it would need? Arthroscopic (scoped) or invasive (open it up)? If it is a scope, it is actually a relatively minor operation (as far as operations go) which should heal fairly quickly. It does, however, depend on what has to be done (a 'cleaning' as opposed to a 'mending'). I have had 2 scopes (not at the same time) to clean up some cartilage tears and I think I was back on skates in 2 or 3 weeks. Whatever you decide to do, keep an eye on any knee injury. They are forever. Good luck.

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