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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Wheels

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I'm playing in a roller league that plays on a sportcourt. Right now i have leabea grippers that say soft on them. Any suggestions on new wheels or should I keep them the same? I prefer not to pay over $5 a wheel. I'm 5-10 130.

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If the grippers have n3ever been used outdoors before they should be fine. You could get quite a bit more grip out of a rink rat or other "dual pour" wheel. RR Hotshots go for about $7 a wheel, and are WELL worth it. I never though i'd be willing to pay over $5 a wheel until i got my RR MB816 (mini wheels) on sale, and now i'm willing to pay the full $10 they retail for. Quality wheels are the equivalent to a quality skate sharpening. (I saw that you just switched back from playing ice in your other thread)

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The Rink Rat Hot Shots are probably the best wheel you'll find if you are willing to go to the 6-7 dollar range per wheel. Supposedly Hyper's new wheels compete with Rink Rat for performance and I believe they do have a price poitn wheel like the Hot Shot on Epuck right now. For 5 a wheel it does get a little tougher unless you can find better wheels on closeout to make room for new models

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