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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller hockey in everett, wa area

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I am looking at relocating to Everett, WA in the possible near future and was wondering if anyone could give me some info on roller hockey arenas in the area. Feel free to include Seattle area rinks as well. Thanks

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Hi Stevo,

There is one roller hockey rink in the seattle area. It is at Magnuson Park near the University of Washington in Seattle. It is an arena sports indoor hockey rink. http://www.arenasports.net/

How long have you been playing roller hockey? Pick up games on on Fridays at 7-9Pm and Sat. 12-2Pm. Let me know when you are heading over, you may be able to play for our team during the summer or fall league.

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