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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Update! My First Hockey Season!

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Some of you may remember my post a few weeks back before my first actual organized hockey game. I grew up playing roller hockey just screwing around and am now playing in my first A/B condensed league. I didn't know how I would do, feel, skate, or perform but I am happy to report somewhat of a success. I am second in goals scored and think that I have hat tricked in all three games! I know the level of play isn't extremely high in my area which is the Western Slope of Colorado; however, our team is ranked second and I am having a blast! My fourth game is tonight and I look forward to the games more and more every week. I am still trying to work on my offensive and defenive awareness since I feel that it is weak but I am working on it.

On a funny sidenote in my first game on my first shift on the ice the goalie held the puck and the ref blew the whistle for the faceoff, I was confused as hell as to what was going on. Since I was used to just screwing around with friends on the roller court, nobody ever had faceoffs, just dropped the puck and went...LOL New concept for me :D

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