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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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different models of synergy skates fit different?

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i swear i'm not on crack, hah.

about 6 months ago, i was searching for new skates, and ended up going with the synergy 700s, not because of price or stiffness, but they seemed to fit me better in the heel than the other synergy models. from what i can gather i have a narrow heel, and in all the other ones that i tried on, my heel didn't lock in as much. they broke down on me pretty quick (and i didn't bake them), and now i'm looking for some new skates (again)...

i guess i'm just wondering if anybody else may have noticed this? is it the amount of padding in the heel, or the material of the liner is grippier and it feels like it locks in better? or should they be the same, and maybe someone baked them and returned them and i'm unlucky or something?

finally, what other skates fit like synergys?

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