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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ancient Team Limirick Drinking Song

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This ages old drinking song was recently found and translated from the original Gaelic. If you're holding more verses, here's a place to get rid of them.

"Ode to a Dink."

I Pushed Forward The Puck

All Aflame,

I Ripped Through The D

With Disdain,

But To My Surprise

The Goalie Was Wise,

Yet It Dinked In The Net

All The Same

Oh That "Dink" Is The Sound

That I Love,

That Warrior's Toll

From Above,

Whenever I Hear It

It Raises My Spirit,

And I Pass It Along

With My Glove

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Twas a cold winter's evening

The guests were all leaving

O'Leary was closing the bar.

When he turned and he said

to the lady in red:

GET OUT, you can't stay anymore.

She shed a sad tear

in her bucket of beer

as she thought of the cold night ahead.

When a gentleman dapper

stepped out of the crapper

and these are the words that he said:

Her mother...never...told her

the things a young girl should know

about the ways of hockey players

and how the come and go (mostly go).

Now age has taken her beauty

and sin has left its sad scar

so remember your mothers and sisters, boys

an let her sleep under the bar.

With Johnny Walker

In southern comfort

With old...Grand...Dad.

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