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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to make a Backyard Rink?

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I tryed searching and went through 10 pages. I couldn't find anything but maybe I missed it. I'm thinking of making an outdoor rink in the backyard. So I was wondering if their's a good process to do it. I would probably shovel the snow and then flood with a hose. Is there a good temperature to flood? Also how much water should be used at a time?


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I tryed searching and went through 10 pages. I couldn't find anything but maybe I missed it. I'm thinking of making an outdoor rink in the backyard. So I was wondering if their's a good process to do it. I would probably shovel the snow and then flood with a hose. Is there a good temperature to flood? Also how much water should be used at a time?


If you live in an area where you get warm spells, use a poly liner instead of trying to flood over snow, and using 2x6s or bigger (depending on rink size) to hold the liner and water. Otherwise you could lose everything in a day or so of mild weather.

Temperature wise, colder is better, but you also want to look for a day where that cold weather will be sustained for at least a few days. Even if it is fairly cold, you are better off not flooding too much at one time. If you put too much water down at one time, you run the risk of getting shell ice, and it will take a lot longer for the water in the middle to freeze.

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We use a 'liner' (seamless tarp, basically) every year. Build a frame, drape the tarp over the frame, order a load of water to fill the tarp and let 'er freeze.

Look up RinkRake on google, it's also had some solid results as far a upkeep goes.

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