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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Naomi Klein - No Logo

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I need some information on this book. I am using it in an essay, but have it in a coursewear from a previous course rather than an actual copy of the book. I just need to know where it was published.

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The hardcover was published by Knopf Canada, which is based out of Toronto, and the paperback by Vintage Canada of Random House...out of Toronto.

We need a book thread.

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Do you need the publication date and the ISBN # Eazy?

We had a summer reading thread which was interesting... LOL, this is more of a homework thread.

*Edit: This was a great book - really ticked me off in places...

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I've only read certain chapers. I am okay on the other numbers, not required under MLA, but thanks for the offer. Sherwood, thanks alot for the help as well.

I have some reading I'm excited about over X-mas break, maybe I'll add this to the list.

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