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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why not to dry out your equipment in the Garage

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My cats never really bother my equipment. One likes to sleep in my pants or on my bag but the worst I get from that is a little cat hair.

You do have me worried though, I keep my stuff in the basement now but I'll probably keep it in the garage in our new house when we move in in March. Not a big fan of critters in my gear.

The only creature encounter I've had in the locker room was a huge praying mantis that was on my sweatshirt when I got back after open hockey. I didn't see it until I picked up my shirt so it startled me a bit.

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I wore my cage far enough in front that the chin cup hardly ever made contact. But still the smell went straight up and made me miserable. Solution to this problem though was a new cage and a new cat.

My cat pissed in the chin cup of my cage about 15mins before I had to leave for a game. By the by fabreeze in that situation only makes it smell like fabreezed cat piss... my coach kept giving me shit that the faster I skated the less I would smell it, too bad we were a horrible team and played most of the game in our own end. Only plus side was I got a lot of space on the bench when I was off.

yeah ive tried febreezing it and got the same results, if it was a chin cup i swear i wouldnt play tho, thats touching your mouth dude.

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