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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need some advise on new skates........

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Guys I was hoping for some input on skates. My 11 year old son needs new skates. He has been skating on Bauer H-3's with a flat chassis. I skate in CCM Super Tacks (ICE and ROLLER) and my new skates are custom converted ice to roller hockey skates. I got him a pair of CCM 352 Tacks and bought the blue TUUK rocker chassis from Philbricks. Would this be a good conversion skate for a 11 year old or should I just go with a flat or hi/lo chassis?

Thank in advance....

Rick Henry

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honestly, it really shouldn't matter a lot in the long run so long as you keep it consistant for him while he grows and improves his technique. Both flat and hi-lo have their merits and drawbacks. If it was still 4-5 years ago with everything coming with hi-lo it would be a more obviouse answer of going with that since it was everywhere. Now it's do you want regular hi-lo, vanguard hi-lo, tri-di, flat or rocker/Sprung (I only group those two together since their aim is the same in design, Sprung just pulls it off way better). I'm willing to bet those old H3 skates have a plastic frame on them? If that's the case than everything newer and aluminum is going to feel different because plastic frames tend to flex a lot.

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