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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MP3 download sites (Napster, Rhapsody, etc...)

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Do you know of any websites/services that offer unlimited downloads for a monthly fee? And then allow you to sync that music to your MP3 without restrictions?

This is my experience so far

Yahoo! Unlimited - Unlimited downloads to your PC for ~$7/mo, but you must pay $0.99 per song to remove the DRM encoding so that you can sync it to an MP3 player or burn to a CD

Rhapsody is the same story

Urge is the same story

iTunes is the same story

XM-Napster To Go - Exactly what I am looking for service-wise. $14.95/mo unlimited downloads to PC AND your MP3 device, HOWEVER you must use a "compatible" device and I can't find one that is compatible AND is an XM radio. :-(

allofmp3.com - Not unlimited for a monthly fee, but pretty cost effective. Too bad their credit card service to pay for the subscription is "not currently available".

Long story short. I want to buy a portable XM radio and I noticed that they make them with built in MP3 players. I realize that as an MP3 player they aren't as nice as an iPod or similiar...but I can deal with that. But I am not willing to pay $0.99 cents a song when there are services out there that are a flat fee. I just don't like the restrictions on the device.

Just wondering if there was a good service out there that I am not aware of.

TRYING to be legit with my music downloads. If I can't find a solution, it will be back to the old "method". :ph34r:

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have u looked into emusic. I dont know how good of a selection they have but they have a good amount of downloads for a monthly fee depending on how many songs you want. I also think that yahoo has the same deal as napster with the compatble device but a little cheaper

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