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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tennis Grip?

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I'll bite, Mack, especially the bit about more info than needed.... I'm not really a salesman for Oggie, although I have sold them on eBay and I told Joe I'd help him in his booth if I go to the Toronto show.

I met Joe Casasanta the Vegas trade shpw two years ago. Since we're both Bostonians, we hit it off and ended up trading product with each other for testing. That said, I was just as scared as anyone else would be about cutting off six inches of stick -- what if I didn't like it? It turned out I loved it and the only time I've gone without one since is when my wife had taken my sticks out of the van. I had to borrow a friend's stick, which didn't fit my hand as well.

Joe has had radar testing done and found, apple to apple, the sticks with the Oggies produced more shot speed. Al Iafrate had a couple put on at this past year's tradeshow, then told the Oggie booth the same thing happened at Black Beauty's shooting gallery: shot speeds were up. Joe told me a few months ago that he's researching having a "shooting machine" created, to remove any bias from the testing, since it would be the same swing each time.

However, besides increased shot speed, they just fit the average sized hand better. You'll have the stick knocked out of your hand a lot less than you might currently.

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