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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Pro stock gloves review..

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excellent glove, very light, great mobility, and palm durability is the one thing i'm most impressed with, i've had mine for a year now and theyve gone thru heavy use the whole time and no hints of holes are breaking thru still.

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i think they're great - but, one thing to consider - because of the short cuff, i have a gap between my elbows and gloves. a lot of NHLers seem to use rbk 8Ks elbows, so they wouldn't really have this problem.

palms on mine look great, although the stitching along the thumb "pocket" is coming undone.

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Used mine a total of 3 times 2 hours tops and they had to be stitched in the index finger cause the stitching came completly undone.

Light, inserts everywhere and I dont find the fingers to be short as others complain of.

Construction has been a major problem right from the get go...will update with more use

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