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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM size 9 anyone?

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I was looking to pick up a new pair of skates to upgrade over my CCM externo's. They are currently size 9 and they fit my size 10 foot great. The sizing charts for CCM skates say i should be in a 7.5 and on HockeyMonkey it says 9.5. Has the sizing changed? or is boot last the same? I was looking to pick up a pair of PF8's.

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I wear a size 11 shoe and wear a 9 CCM / RBK so I don't think it's too far off. Best bet would be to try them on before shelling out the cash or you do the insole test - take the insoles out of the skates and see where your foot lies. If there's like an inch of space from the top, you need a smaller size (length wise).

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