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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good deals of skates and chassis........

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I think the 952's would be sweet. I wanted to go with them when I got the 652's from Hockey World but they didn't have 952's in my size. I have not had any problems mounting frames on any of the CCM skates I have tried but I haven't tried anything but skates with pvc outsoles.

The 4.5 EDGE skates came out real nice with the TUUK Rocker chassis but I have not got a chance to skate in them yet. The 4.5 has blue and silver logos and the blue TUUK frames look good on them. I'm just hoping the TUUK chassis hold up, if not I may change them to one of the Sherwood chassis also.

Also, the CCM Edge 4.5 seems to be a pretty well made skate. To me it seems to be basically a Tack skate with a little different look. When I first got them I walked around in them a while before I removed the ice blades and they reminded me of the Tacks I have had through the years. A sales guy told me a few years ago that the Edge line of skates were a pretty good line but they didn't sell well because they just didn't have the "good looks" other skates had at the time.

Rick Henry

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