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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Socks Falling Down

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Get the best of both worlds - Sockjawz. I actually bought a pair and they are nice and don't dig into your leg like the metal clips do.


So you've known about garter belts and the jock w/velcro tabs? Why haven't you tried either of them?

I didn't know garter belts for hockey socks existed. I knew there was some type of velcro involved in holding them, but I didn't know what the velcro was attached to, in this case the jock. Also, I don't laugh at the idea of using the garter belt I just found it a little amusing at first.

:lol: you didnt know there are garter belts for hockey? How long do you play hockey now? Doesnt any of your teammates use them?

I can understand it sounds funny for non hockey players that we use garter belts :D

No, none of my teamates use them, everyone just uses a bunch of tape. Also, whenever I try taping all the way up I end up taping my thigh realy tightly and as you can guess, it doesn't feel good.

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