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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tuuk rocker chassis

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I bought two sets before Christmas from Philbricks. They come as a pair (2 chassis per box). I mounted one set for my 11 year old son and I mounted the second set for myself. They seem to be nicely made and my son loves his. I have not tried mine as yet but I was really impressed with the packaging. Nicely packaged, instructions and a card that tells what size of wheels to place where to get the rocker effect you want. I ended up just using all 72mm wheels for my son which if I understood the instruction card gives a very slight rocker, which I thought would be best until he gets used to the chassis. I also believe that if you use 72mm wheels in the front three positions and a 76mm wheel at the rear the frame would ride flat but I might be mistaken on that.

Good Luck

Rick Henry

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Has anyone here tried the sprung AND the tuuk rocker? If so, how do they compare? If this has already been coverd, I'm sorry.

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