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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis comparison

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Would I be better off with the chassis from a pair of Mission D1c's or buying a pair of Red Star? Which is a better chassis? Does anyone know the weight comparison?

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I've had both the d1c skates with the original chassis and the red star magnesium chassis. (still have) The red star is much lighter than the mission chassis. I like both, but the red star is just lighter. i also believe the red star doesn't have as much forward pitch as the mission chassis.

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I've known people who had issues with scraping the d1c chassis around the bolt attachment ares (where they flare out) on tight turns. Just a head's up.

Everyone I know whove used the redstar alloy swears by 'em. They're just getting pretty rare nowadays.

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