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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey stores in moncton

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i am going to be in moncton for a hockey tournament in a couple of weeks and i am going to have some spare time and i was thinking about checking out some hockey stores when im there. please name any good stores in moncton


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There are a couple good ones - Cleve's Source for Sports by Cosco, Maritime Sports is probably the best and then at the 4plex ice arena there is a small one. and then SPortchek but go to Maritime for sure.

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Maritime Sports on Lewisville Road, it's about 2-3 mins of drive from Champlain Mall. SportChek that is in the Champlain Mall and there is also Cleve's Source for Sports that is located in the Trinity Power Center (way on the other side of the city) near the Kent, Superstore and the Famous Player movie theater, close to La Senza.

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From my knowledge being to Moncton a few times, they are the only ones i have ever been to.

Best one being Maritime Sports.

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