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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toe Tack?

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Does anyone know of this stuff that you put on your skates to protect them from wearing due to abrasion? I think the stuff is like tar but Im not sure. If no one has any idea then does anyone know what to use to prevent wearing on a pair of converted ice to roller skates.

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Protectoe by Bauer is all I've ever seen or used, but I'm sure there are other brands out there. Most LHS should have something, some might do applications for you for free or a small fee.

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It goes by many different names. Pro Toe, Toe Protecter, Toe Glaze. Any LHS should carry this product, but demand for it is deminishing with the manufacturers going to just plain pastic toes, and the new cutproof materials (More Cut Resistant). That should work just fine, just follow the recommended guidlines on the side of the can.

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I have a general question on this product.

I am currently skating on CCM Tacks which have a kind of rubber armor. The armor is starting to wear of near the toe cap. The stitching is getting really messed up.

Is there any use in applying a toe protector formula to that area?

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