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Sickick- 7k vs 7v

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I've searched all the sickick threads and the only answer i could get to the difference between the 7v version and the 7k version is that some of the paint is missing on the "k" so it looks like a "v". Now im not the expert, but im pretty sure thats not it. I heard that the "v" stands for Vector, as in Vector 10.0, and my 2 sickick prostocks happen to also have little white stickers on the back that say "V10.0" so i think that would further support the Vector conclusion. So then the question is, what is the difference between a Vector 10.0 and a Sickick 7k? I'd guess very little as my friend has 2 sickick prostocks that seem to be identical to mine, except they dont have those little white stickers and they say 7k... dont think you could tell them apart otherwise... but if there is something different between the different models, id love to know. Thanks.

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From what Ive seen is that the 7K is RBK Construction and the 7V is made like the Vector. Mostly looking at the composite pattern on the blades you can see they are different.

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From what Ive seen is that the 7K is RBK Construction and the 7V is made like the Vector. Mostly looking at the composite pattern on the blades you can see they are different.

Interesting... i didnt look at the weave patterns on the 7k version very closely, the blades on them are taped.

According to the catalogs...

the V10.0 blade: "Enlarged Sweet Spot Blade - Solid foam core with super thin, super stiff graphite laminates give better feel."

sickick blade: "Pre-Preg Graphite Blade - Super lightweight foam core. Graphite bridge increases blade stiffness for a harder shot."

i can barely translate those two descriptions, but it sounds like the Vector is finesse, and the sickick is power. kinda like nbh with the xxx lite and the One90. But from just looking at the two versions i have and holding them, they feel about identical to me.

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I am holding my new RBK Sickick right now.. it's the retail version, and it clearly says 7K...

As far as the retail version goes... I would compare it to a One90, as opposed to a Vector 10.0. The grip is also rather unique too. It's your normal stick grip, then about 1/3 of the way down the stick it "ripples" similar to the RBK "Snake Grip", only more profound. The underside of my retail 7K mentions nothing of Vector 10.0, however it does say "ASD by Jofa"... that's about it.

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that does not address or answer the question. the questions are, is a 7v exactly the same as a Vector 10.0, is just the blade the same as a 10.0, or is it not the same at all. And, if the blade or the whole stick is a 10.0, then what are the differences between it and a 7k Sickick.

This kinda seems like the same thing that some people have seen with Pro Stock Vapor XXX lites, where some have the Warrior square weave pattern, and others have the normal NBH pattern....

edit: lol you added a little before i got my post up, but you still didnt answer the question... the sticker that says "V10.0" is not part of the paint job and was put on later, so it wouldnt be on the retail version... and all Rbk sticks actually say ASD Jofa on them...

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actually I read on here somewhere that we'd be seeing more of it, as the process for making the carbon fiber in that pattern seems to be becoming an industry standard. If I'm not mistaken, XXX-Lites aren't made by inno, even the ones with checkerboard. the regular XXX was the last stick inno made for Bauer.

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so the rbk 7v sick kick pro player use is actualy a ccm vector v10 with new paint job to help promote the stick so the 7v don't have the new feature sick kick right? it does make sense cause koivu is a ccm guy but play with a rbk sick kick where pas 2 years he played with ccm vector.

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not exactly. some pros are using the 7v and some are using the 7k... from what i can tell, the sticks are pretty similar through the shaft with the largest difference being the blade... the sickick 7k retail has a unique grip but i didn't see that on the pro stock 7k's ive seen... the new "sick kick" just means it has a lower kick point, something also seen in the ccm v10.0 catapult... not really that revolutionary...

sidenote: funny that recchi has his own model of the v10.0 when he's still using AK27's...

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ya because they're going to tell you that their stick is better than another stick made at the same factory by the same company... "don't buy ccm, they suck. buy rbk."

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ya true exactly. but from what i read and compared the 7v imho is better then the 7ksk retail then. here are the features of both draw you own conclusion.


Compression molded pre-preg graphite composite construction

Strategically integrated connection for an extra low-kick zone to create a "SicKick"

Tradition shaft shape for power and stability

Porfeel grip coating with a ribbed texture for better control

Pre-preg graphite blade with a super light foam core for a harder shot and better durability

460 grams

CCM Vector v10.0

Compression molding shaft

Aerospace grade superlight high modulus pre-preg graphite

Patent pending Impact Layer Technologyâ„¢ for durability

‘C' Contoured Geometry. A rounder corner radius designed for improved feel

24†taper for improved loading

Enhanced grip texture coating

Aerospace grade 12k superlight graphite for optimum stiffness and lighter weight

New enlarged SWEETSPOT PLUS foam core with complete perimeter abrasion band for better feel and extra durability

NHL†Platinum Shield

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it's better because they list more details that are hard to understand?

both have comprssion molded pre-preg graphite shafts... i.e. they're the same shafts with different blades...

i love the jargon though. "strategically integrated (blade-shaft) connection". as opposed to what? poorly thought out? they could make anything sound like a 200 dollar stick...

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so if the V10.0 (7v) and he 7k are so similar, how come most sites will charge you at least $160 for the v10.0 while the brand new SicKick is $130 for intermediate?

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well thats obviously a given. i guess i shouldve asked simply why, if the two sticks are basically the same, is there such a descripency in their prices?

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either you're not providing enough information or you have trouble correctly wording your thoughts... did you mean 160 for v10.0 int and 130 for 7k int?

well since i'm not busy, i called up hockeymonkey to find out what the retail prices were... and i was definitely a little surprised.... the v10.0 catapult is about 200 and the sickick is about 160... i would have thought the sickick would be much more expensive seeing as how the old model of the 7k went for more than that...

i would definitely still conclude they are similar sticks, and if anything imo the blade on the sickick is better. for that much of a price difference, sickick seems like a bargain...

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I haven't seen these up close yet, but on pics it looks like the area closest to the blade is black on some and red on some sticks, is this the visual difference between the two, and which one is which?

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I was digging through our pro stock 7V and 7K sticks today to settle the differences between the two. The only difference is the blade itself, i was told they made these two pro models because some pros like the ccm blade and others like the Rbk blade. Just giving them a choice between the two styles. They both have a Sickick (Lower Kick point), some of ours come in the T model which i believe is the more squared shaft, and the C model which is the rounder shaft. In my opinion i believe the new V10.0 stick is far superior then the new 7K stick. I use neither stick but from initial feel and testing i think the CCM is a bit better.

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well i should hope it's a little better since it apparently retails for 40 dollars more or so. im not really that impressed with either the 7k or the 7v's, but i haven't seen a v10.0 so i cant compare.

as for the retail rbk sticks, it would make sense if the sickick is less expensive because the 8k o-tech stick will likely carry a pretty nice price tag...

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either you're not providing enough information or you have trouble correctly wording your thoughts... did you mean 160 for v10.0 int and 130 for 7k int?

well since i'm not busy, i called up hockeymonkey to find out what the retail prices were... and i was definitely a little surprised.... the v10.0 catapult is about 200 and the sickick is about 160... i would have thought the sickick would be much more expensive seeing as how the old model of the 7k went for more than that...

i would definitely still conclude they are similar sticks, and if anything imo the blade on the sickick is better. for that much of a price difference, sickick seems like a bargain...

thats what i was asking. i called and asked for only the intermediate prices for both the 7k and catapult, being i use an intermediate stick. $60 difference and basically the same stick, pretty surprising to me.

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ya i figured thats what you meant after i re-read it a couple times... its only 40 dollars difference... and im also a little surprised, but like i said i would guess it has something to do with the fact that rbk is setting up for a much higher priced stick coming out next year...

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I have a sickick and it definitely says 7K. It is 460 grams as opposed to the normal 7K's 395. It doesn't feel like the 10.0 vector at all to me cause the vector line has very squared edges, while the sickick's is fairly round. It was only around 115$ too. :)

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