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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sickick- 7k vs 7v

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be more useless... what is says on the side of the retail sickick is not being discussed... at this point, all retail sickicks say 7k. some pro stocks say 7k, some say 7v... would you like me to re-type the whole thread for you?

as for 115, congrats on getting it at cost. not a bad deal at all...

also as was mentioned, some pro stocks come with the square profile, and some have the round profile. it is conceivable that the round shaft profile may be related to the v10.0 in theory because if they were going to make 2 shaft profiles, why wouldnt they offer them both for retail? doesn't prove anything, just a thought...

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hi I have an rbk 7V* Sickick and recently found out that the stick comes in a 7K, 7K*, 7V and a 7V* I was just wondering if anyone knew what the asterisk is for and what the differences are??? thanks

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