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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shipping From Goalieheaven

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What if I called in an order and had a member pick it up?

In their auction descriptions they state you are welcome to stop in and pick up your item, just let them know when you are coming for it.

"If you are in the Toronto area and would like to pick up your items COME ON IN!!! We?re located at 1592 Bloor St West. We ask that you please call ahead to let us know when you?ll be here, so we can have your items ready."

Not sure how they'd handle the sales tax though, technically if I bid from PA I'm not liable for the 15% because I'm not a Canadian resident, but my guess is they'd try and charge the guy picking them up because he is a resident of Cananda. I hadn't thought about that before because it didn't effect me if I was having them shipped.


I have been thinking about it more and I think it is in their best interest to charge tax for someone dropping in. If they don't they could be held liable for tax evasion (not paying taxes to the government) ? If the tax man came in and told them to show all receipts/shipping forms for the stock they sold to the United States they could be in trouble if some are missing. They are a store and they have to pay tax.

Its different for private sellers and a personal sale (I think?)


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Goalieheaven uses UPS.. which is always expensive... I always tell the sellers on ebay to send my stuff via Canada Post/USPS .. I'd rather wait that extra few days and get cheap shipping rates then next day for 20-30 bucks more <_<

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I`ve got a pretty good relationship with the guys at Goaliew Heaven and maybe they`d let me get away with not paying taxes. I`ll ask nect time I`m there, if need be.

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I`ve got a pretty good relationship with the guys at Goaliew Heaven and maybe they`d let me get away with not paying taxes. I`ll ask nect time I`m there, if need be.

actually, I am not too sure about not paying taxes. I thought that because they are an independent smaller store they were able to do some under the table sales. I know of some people who claim that they pulled off some "no tax" deals. The one time I was with Chris he did manage to bargin a hockey stick cheaper, but the staff backed up the selling price instead of giving it to him for no tax. The stick was $150 and he barginned it down to $150 flat (at the cash register the person divided $150 by 1.15 as the sale price then added 15 percent sales tax to get the final price of $150). Unless if you are probably a long time good friend I doubt they will give you an under the table deal (its too much risk for them). I noticed that they had a inventory number on the computer when ringing up the sale. It makes sense for them to do that to keep track of stock and sales. Its not like a burger stand where you could sell a couple extra burgers to someone under the table and it would be hard for the government to keep track of how many burgers you sold.

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I used to work in a store where we would have no PST and no GST promotions. When we made a sale we just took 15% off the price at the register because there is no way to get around paying the government their share. My understanding is that Americans and other internatonals can claim the GST back when they cross the border but I do not think you can get the PST back so thats at least 8% off the taxes. There is probably some sorta law covering international sales where the taxes are built into the price or at least GST exempt to begin with. Some store I assume will sell things under the table but that is a slippery slope. What really sucks is that us Canadians have to pay PST and GST on everything we buy from out of country regardless.

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Those guys juts emailed me a shipping quote of $25 USD for a non padded pant shell! That's insane. First, it's more then I paid to have a pair of gloves from them shipped. Second, I guarantee you they could stuff them in an envelope or a small fixed rate box and send them for $10 or less. Third, that's twice the amount of the actual item! They really need to re-exmaine how they do their shipping, especially for smaller items.

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