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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 800C?

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I have been looking at these as an option, but I keep reading about the COIL system whcihc allows the skate to flex. My question is, does this flex include side flex, or is it limited to the forward and backward ranges of motion. I prefer skates that have very stiff construction, with little flexibility to the sides.

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You should try out the Fuel 95-AG's - they are really flexible, and do turn on the ankles a bit...especially if you are a heavier skater. I tried squeezing the Synergies today, and they are certainly more stiff than the 95's they will probably be replacing, but I just wanted to be sure none of this COIL technology led to unwanted sideways motion. Thanks. (the 95-AG's a very flexible compared to the L line I was used to, but I am sure the very open top on the skate created way too much foot mobility for my taste, which added to the sense of the ankles of the skates flexing).

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Coil tech. is strictly for forward flexion. If you've seen a cutout of the boot you'll see there is a notch where your ankle and shin bone meet, that is the natural flexion point of the foot.

Look at the Vapor line and you'll see where the red line is on the side of the boot, that's where the coil flex is on the Easton boots. Similar concept.

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At the LHS I work at, we have a coil system out on display. It's basically the skeleton system of the boot. There is 3 different slits in it. And yes, it's like the flex point in the vapors. Allows your foot to move more naturally and gives you the overall punch after each stride. Custies actually tell me they can feel an extra push in their stride. I've never tried them, but my Boss, who can have basically any skate in my store, chooses the 1200c's. And he tells me the exact same things.

EDIT: This is what's on display at my store. Pics by JR.


That is the 1500 shell, my store has the 800 shell. I'm not quite sure of the difference in shell, if any. Perhaps someone could adress that.

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