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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Company

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I did a search and nothing came up.

I returned the RBK 7k with the deep chip back to the hockey company. I might not have done it had the hairline cracks on my blade not turned into some major damage. Terrible blade in my opinion, considering that I never had a problem with cheep $10 blades.

You could see some of the fibers coming out from one of the cracks and if you moved the blade, you could tell it was maybe 5 slapshots away from snapping.

Anyways, how long does it usually take to get a new stick back from the Hockey Company? I don't want to have to keep on borrowing sticks till the end of the season, (my back up is a crappy woody stick that I use for street hockey).

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Average turn around time for most companies once they receive your stick is about 1-2 weeks. Just beware CCM/Rbk has one of the worst warranty exchanges ive seen out of any company. If you read the fine print it says they reserve the right to send you any stick with equal value and let me tell you thats definitely what they do. Most of the time theyll send you back a pro stock model, sometimes they even send you a stick with a totally different curve. Ive had two customers come in because they had sent the totally wrong way stick (lefties instead of righties). Atleast with all other companies when you send them a lefty sakic curve for example, thats what youll receive in return. Easton by far has the most generous/lienent policies, if their out of a certain stick they sometimes send you a replacement which your allowed to keep even after your model becomes available and they ship it to you.

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