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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pad warranty

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I got a set of RBK 4k shoulder pads from the Reebok store several months ago. I've just recently started playing, so haven't used them more than a dozen times, and definitely haven't even gotten close to using them hard. A few weeks ago, I noticed the stitching attaching the nylon webbing on the right bicep protector to the bulk of the pad had started to come undone. Since I got the pads for a decent price (thank you, Good Deal Thread) I thought it best not to rock the boat, use my Boy Scout learnin', and stitch the webbing back on. Ten minutes later, problem solved...easy...pads once again with integrity. I go for a couple more weeks.

The other day taking the pads off, I noticed the stitching attaching the left shoulder cup to the bulk of the padding started to come undone. Now, I would try and stitch this back on, but because I:

1) found it next to impossible to shove a sewing needle through at least seven layers of foam, mesh and nylon


2) don't have a sewing machine

am at an impasse trying to fix the pads myself.

So, I looked for the return information on the Reebok store packing slip.

Thirty day limit--no go.

I look for warranty information on the tags--that I saved--that were attached to the pads. No mention of a warranty.

No mention on their website either.

Has anybody had this many problems with a practically new set of pads? What should I do?

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Not sure about the warranty, but I used a pair of pliers to force a needle through my shin guards when the strap was coming loose. Needless to say, the needle was junk by the time I was done, but it did the trick.

Another option would be to bring it to a shoe repair place and see if they can help.

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Most equipment mfr's will warranty their pads for a minimum of 90 days. If the pads look like they haven't been abused, then 6 months isn't out of the question.

I had a customer bring in a pair of cracked shin guards that she bought in September. I gave her a new set because I knew from looking at them that it wouldn't be a problem getting them replaced.

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I have the Jofa SP4000 (ancestors of the RBK 4k), and I found the shoulder caps were fixed too rigidly. Protection is enhanced, but mobility is limited. In the tug-of-war between safety and range of motion, the stitching gives way. As they're pulled, the shoulder caps come loose. It's kind of like a break-in period. The caps need to move--I say let the stitching adapt. I think they're over-stitched to begin with, but the 4000s have a different cap style from your 4ks.

I found little unraveling over the years, but I decided to overhaul them anyways:


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Not sure about the warranty, but I used a pair of pliers to force a needle through my shin guards when the strap was coming loose. Needless to say, the needle was junk by the time I was done, but it did the trick.

Another option would be to bring it to a shoe repair place and see if they can help.

I like the pliers idea. I picked up some heavy nylon upholstery thread today and will give the repair a shot tonight, probably.

I have the Jofa SP4000 (ancestors of the RBK 4k), and I found the shoulder caps were fixed too rigidly. Protection is enhanced, but mobility is limited. In the tug-of-war between safety and range of motion, the stitching gives way. As they're pulled, the shoulder caps come loose. It's kind of like a break-in period. The caps need to move--I say let the stitching adapt. I think they're over-stitched to begin with, but the 4000s have a different cap style from your 4ks.

I found little unraveling over the years, but I decided to overhaul them anyways:


If it were just loosening or unraveling I could understand, but it's like the stitch was never completed at the factory. I played yesterday and when I took the pads off saw the cup was even looser and was being held on by only about a quarter of the original stitching.

I'll try the repair myself, because I refuse to buy a new set already and I'll probably be without these for at least a few weeks waiting on any warranty work.

Thanks, all for the help!

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I think a quarter of the original cap stitching would provide excellent mobility, but by your description it's not going to stop there.

As I recall with the original cap stitching on my pads, they back tracked up to an inch at the ends and knotted the thread-ends together. They might have even melted the knot, because it looked a little brown. It took a few years before it loosened only a little. It was stable until I tried to be inventive.

Let us know if the Reebok store does anything to help you.

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Since I spent the $2 on the thread, I decided to do the repair myself and not worry with warranty. Since nothing's broke that I can't fix, I'll keep the $8+ i'd have to spend on shipping anyway and worry about more severe things. Thanks, all!

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