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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are easton air ('04 ) skates heat moldable ?

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i dont think so, i know i had the 04 z airs and never got them baked, very comfortable skates, i loved them. they seem to mold without being baked after just a few skates though. i am pretty sure that is what Easton's Ideal Fit means. correct me if i am wrong.

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i dont think so, i know i had the 04 z airs and never got them baked, very comfortable skates, i loved them. they seem to mold without being baked after just a few skates though. i am pretty sure that is what Easton's Ideal Fit means. correct me if i am wrong.

On most Eastons, a heat mold will void warranty. And like all Eastons, it's recomended you try them out before heat molding and only heat mold if there is something bothering you in the skate. So try it before you bake it. I didn't heat mold my old Syn500s and they molded to my feet lovely.

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