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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Amazing Dryden tribute

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Not sure how many people could see it if you don't have Center Ice but the Canadiens hung up Dryden's jersey tonight before the Sens game. It was really well done and sure brought back a lot of bittersweet memories for me since I grew up a Bruins fan in the 70s but still really liked Dryden.

They even brought Tretiak in to speak!

If anyone has the montage they showed and could YouTube it that would be great.

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Not sure how many people could see it if you don't have Center Ice but the Canadiens hung up Dryden's jersey tonight before the Sens game. It was really well done and sure brought back a lot of bittersweet memories for me since I grew up a Bruins fan in the 70s but still really liked Dryden.

They even brought Tretiak in to speak!

If anyone has the montage they showed and could YouTube it that would be great.

What I saw of it was awesome...Tretiak speaking French was great....Although maybe the NHL shoudl think about putting a time limit to these...I mean...c'mon an hour and a half late starting? That's a bit much.

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I thought Tretiak's French was better than the Dryden boys even. For some reason I thought Dryden continued life as a lawyer in Quebec but obviously not.

If they're going to go on that long they should start it much sooner. I'm sure most fans would have got their early to watch the festivities. I think the Canadiens plan worked though - Ottawa was so tired waiting they came out totally flat!

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I thought Tretiak's French was better than the Dryden boys even. For some reason I thought Dryden continued life as a lawyer in Quebec but obviously not.

If they're going to go on that long they should start it much sooner. I'm sure most fans would have got their early to watch the festivities. I think the Canadiens plan worked though - Ottawa was so tired waiting they came out totally flat!

Actually, Montreal came out flat...bad give away by Koivu at :52 seconds that lead to the 1-0 Ottawa goal.

From there, Ottawa was flat.

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