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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Momentum Taper

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I'm moving away from once pieces, and I've searched and don't see much info on this shaft. If anybody has used it, please post your reaction to it. I'm curious about weight, durability, and what type of blade seems to balance the shaft out best.

I'd also like to know who is distributing the shaft.

On a superficial comment, I have to say I love the look of this shaft. It's like an antidote to what (to me, anway) is the over the top, extreme sports type graphics Warrior is pushing lately. Sherwood seems to be harkening back to the old Inno days, with the plain black and white, block graphics.

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I have a Momentum COMP XD I think, it was the Tapered version of what crosby uses I believe, it was a great shaft, I ended up selling it because i fell in love with the Innovative Novius

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I have been using the Momentum Taper Fit w/ the Bouchard blade for a couple weeks now and it feels lighter than the RBK 6k shaft and blade combos I was using. Durability wise I couldn't tell tell you since I haven't had it very long but it seem to be holding up pretty well. I can say that I do like it enough that I had a second one orders for me and I expect it in a coule weeks.

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I have a Momentum COMP XD I think, it was the Tapered version of what crosby uses I believe, it was a great shaft, I ended up selling it because i fell in love with the Innovative Novius

I ended up buying his, and I'm still beating the hell out of it. I don't use it regularly because I prefer a whippier flex, but it's a tank and because it's a touch heavier than most shafts out there, it makes for a well-balanced stick.

Maybe some slight torquing issues.

Ironically, my favorite shaft right now is also a Novius (300 flex). It's also lasted a while while other shafts have come and gone (and snapped to pieces).

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I have a Momentum COMP XD I think, it was the Tapered version of what crosby uses I believe, it was a great shaft, I ended up selling it because i fell in love with the Innovative Novius

I ended up buying his, and I'm still beating the hell out of it. I don't use it regularly because I prefer a whippier flex, but it's a tank and because it's a touch heavier than most shafts out there, it makes for a well-balanced stick.

Maybe some slight torquing issues.

Ironically, my favorite shaft right now is also a Novius (300 flex). It's also lasted a while while other shafts have come and gone (and snapped to pieces).

Wow, we have like the exact same tastes in sticks, if you find a place that has any RH Novius in 260 flex let me know, if I find some 300's i'll be sure to do likewise.

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Thanks for the responses. So where do you find this shaft, and is it set to be more widely distributed next season?

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i have a gently used taper 95flex looking to sell, just that its a back up.

compared to the v130 shaft im using right now, it has a more hallow feel, but better weight balance. feels a bit stiffer than 95.

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i wanted to try one.. but the 85 feel like a 90-95 (reg flec compared to the the ccm and tps) which is for me, a turn-off.

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Sherwood seems to be harkening back to the old Inno days, with the plain black and white, block graphics.

have you seen the RM9s?

the new RM19's, RM7's, and RM5's are quite loud as well... the RM5 is all neon green/grey/white depending on the pattern.

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I apologize for bringing back this old topic, but is the new sherwood RM19 basically the same thing as the Momentum XD Comp? Sorry, I looked but couldn't find the answer and can't find any Momentum Comp shafts on any online sites to compare.

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