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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sorting out a Problem Player

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Just had a game and the Defence Partner i was with kept messing up. Generally Hes quite good and a solid dman but not today. every 2on2 agaisnt us he wud dive in leaving it a 2 on 1 on me. Things like if a guy skates past him he will just take my man im marking and leave the guy that just burnt him. as Assistant i think i need to say something as he finished the game on -4! last game was also -4! but hes never been a liability till now.

Previously he was line 1 with myself then got dropped to line 3! but one player was working so he had to step back to line 1.

How should i tell him that he aint pulling his weight?! It was liek he was playing with his eyes closed!

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What age/level is this? You never know what he's got going on at home (or school) that might be affecting his play. If he has always been solid, and this was his first "off game" I'd say let it be for now. If he's the same next game...then inquire.

"Hey, everything okay...you seemed a little distracted tonight" It could be something totally un-related to hockey that is affecting his play.

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I'd say talk to him before the rest of the team starts getting on him about playing poorly. Don't do it during the game or in the locker room, as doing it with everyone else there will put him on the spot.

Besides making sure that he's dealing with outside issues well, talk to him and basically tell him to calm it down and let the play come to him, and to take it one shift at a time.

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