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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom shinguards

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Anyone know of a place that makes custom shinguards?? I would love to find a 14" shinguard that is not as big as what I see on the market. They are just too bulky for me.

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Personally, I use an easton shin, I would like to try out RBKs they just don't fit me right.

What do you want customized?

I used a Dremel on the bottoms of my Eastons to get the ankle clearance I wanted.

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I believe both nike and CCM shins are of the narrower variety.

Nike protective also had memory foam built into pads. I have the V-14 elbows with both the memory foam and grip print and am very happy with them.

I also want to say that I read somewhere that some shins are heat moldable, but may be mistaken. Can anyone confirm?

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Dremel tool may be a good idea. I would like to see a 14 inch shinguard not as wide on the leg and the knee cap a little smaller than what Ive seen available. I looked at just about all of the brands, Easton, RBK, Nike/Bauer,CCM, Mission...... Ideally, I would love to see an intermediate shinguard size 14. I just picked up the RBK 4K 13.5.

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