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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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broke VII blade, need help!

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hi guys

I recently noticed that the blade on my Bauer Vapor VII stick is broken, and I was wondering, should I buy either a new stick or just change the blade by removing the original blade (cutting it) and installing a new one.

I play hockey on an outside rink about 4-5 a week and play real hockey about 1-2 times a month, maybe even more soon.

What stick should I get? Should I just change the blade for now?


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I broke the blade on my Vapor VII the third time using it.

I cut off the blade, flipped it over, and installed a standard blade on the other side. the shaft lasted about 4 games, maybe less.

And I don't break sticks very often.

If you're looking to get a good composite or tapered blade for this shaft, don't. Go with a cheap standard woodie or ABS blade (the original blade was ABS anyway.

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